Clueless in California…
So the other day, one of my clients gets a hit on their pay per click (PPC) campaign. It was from a company in California that wanted to sell this logistics company search marketing services.
So the other day, one of my clients gets a hit on their pay per click (PPC) campaign. It was from a company in California that wanted to sell this logistics company search marketing services.
We evaluate a lot of websites. We use our experience and insight to check performance, effectiveness, errors, and opportunities. We also use a number of tools.
During one of my first jobs out of college, I had the assignment to write a story about the successful New York City restauranteur, Maurice Reidy, who was being honored by my employer.
It’s been a very long time since anyone has called me “sexy."
OK, cards on the table… no one has ever called me “sexy.”
When you’re in need of a plumber, or an electrician or similar professional help, my guess is you ask three questions in succession:
Any Seinfeld fans out there?
How clear and crisp is your company’s value proposition? In my last blog post, I talked about writing for websites and the importance of having a clear, simple expression of your company’s value.
I recently came across an old article by marketer Mike Moran that contained a story about a long-haired hippie in the 1960s struggling to get a ride to his destination. The hitchhiker kept sticking out his thumb, but no one stopped. Finally, he scrawled on a piece of cardboard, "Going to the Barber" and he was picked up within minutes.
The hazy summer heat has set in, so naturally all thoughts turn to… ice fishing.
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